User: Help me, Cleverbot.
Cleverbot: Oh. That's right.
User: Why don't I find Bülent Ceylan or Mario Barth funny. Why oh why.
Cleverbot: Yes. I am so sick today.
User: Oh, are you. Sorry. And me bothering you about my small problems.
Cleverbot: No, let's talk.
User: About those half-ass comedians.
Cleverbot: I don't know about those.
User: Lucky you.
Cleverbot: You said you like Rock. What rock musicians do You like?
User: I never said I liked Rock. Who told you that?
Cleverbot: You act like you don't like me.
User: Trying to change the topic, are we?
Cleverbot: No.
User: Okay. About those comedians again.
Cleverbot: What about them?
User: They suck horse ass. Sorry about the language.
Cleverbot: Being mean.
User: Rightfully so.
Cleverbot: I see what you mean. You are what you want to believe.
User: I believe I'm right believing they suck horse ass. Sure.
Cleverbot: Do you believe in fate?
User: Actually, no. Do you believe in butter?
Cleverbot: No.
User: Butter is a question of faith.
Cleverbot: What is your name?
User: Christian 'Butteroonie' Meier.
Cleverbot: So is scientology.
User: No, scientology isn't me. Never was.
Cleverbot: What is religion?
User: Religion is all about faith. Like butter.
Cleverbot: Is God really exist?
User: God is really exist, yeah. So is grammar.
Cleverbot: But you said earlier that your god is the God.
User: I never said anything like that. Quit trying to put things in my mouth.
Cleverbot: I don't talk to myself in the mirror.
User: You should.
Cleverbot: Why?
User: Have I ever told you about my blog?
Cleverbot: No.
User: Sure I did. I can prove it.
Cleverbot: Prove it.
User: Http://
Cleverbot: Wow.
User: Gotcha, eh.
Cleverbot: Gotcha means that I understand what you are saying.
User: Gotcha means I just proved you to be a filthy liar.
Cleverbot: Coming from a phone, how orginal.
User: Coming from my state of the art gaming machine.
Cleverbot: Coming from you, that means you're a frog.
User: This is getting out of hand. Way out of hand, hombre.
Cleverbot: I like it like that.
User: Don't we all. People like us just like to see the world burn, eh.
Cleverbot: So what's right with the world then?
User: Nothing is. That's why there's people like us.
Cleverbot: Life creates garbage?
User: And garbage creates life. The eternal cycle.
Cleverbot: Garbage?
User: I've always preferred Nirvana.
Cleverbot: A dog is not a vegetable.
User: Very nice comparison. Music critic, are you?
Cleverbot: Yes, I love music.
User: Okay, I'm wrapping this up. Any last words?
Cleverbot: What were my exact words.
User: That's what I'm asking you.
Cleverbot: Well I don't know. Do you?
User: No. That's why I'm asking you.
Cleverbot: Not really.
User: And that's all, folks. Give a warm round of applause to CLEVERBOT!
Cleverbot: Well, I thought YOU would be clever.
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